Water Sprinkler Systems
There are 3 main categories for Sprinkler Systems and each of these has many subdivisions which are laid out for you by following the links below.
Domestic Systems
Residential Systems
Water Mist Systems
These can offer benefits in certain situations. Check the details.
The requirement for sprinkler systems is usually laid out by the Building Control Officer (BCO). Nationwide Fire Sprinklers can talk with your BCO to ensure that the relevant requirements are met whilst achieving a minimum financial cost.
Quite often this process can save considerable building cost for structural fire protection and is equally important for all 3 types of installation category.
Getting the correct type of sprinkler installation is critical so that correct building standards can be adhered to and insurance companies criteria are met.
Where necessary health, safety & environmental issues need to be adequately catered for. Nationwide Fire Sprinklers will guide the project through all these areas and keep you informed of progress at all stages.
We therefore aim to reduce stress on the customer in dealing with something that is usually quite new to them.
Reduce average property loss by up to 70%
In the UK there has never been a fire death in a building with a fully maintained sprinkler system
Fires are extinguished or controlled in 99% of sprinkler protected properties
*National Fire Sprinkler Network Report 2017
This kind of working practice also allows the BCO to talk directly to people who understand their requirements but also ensures professional standards are maintained and adhered to by tradesmen working on each sprinkler system project.
We work with the BCO to ensure you get the optimal solution for your installation.
This is absolutely necessary as every installation is unique in design and context.
Freephone: 0800 028 9911
Alternative Tel: 0115 998 7391
Fax: 0871 266 8911
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 0800 028 9911
Fax: 0871 266 8911
Request a call back or send full floor plans for a quotation