Fire Engineering Strategy

At NFS we can design a comprehensive fire strategy for buildings or development of any size. We’ll look at the whole of your scheme and propose precautions that will ensure your building is protected, occupants are safe, and the requirements of your Building Control Officer or AHJ are met or even exceeded.

fire engineering strategy plans for high-rise tower

Larger Projects

Fire strategy should be a key factor in the initial design of any high-rise building or larger development.

By involving NFS at the early stages of your project, we can add value by proposing economical solutions to individual situations in time for them to be incorporated at the design phase.

Smaller Projects

For smaller projects or single dwellings, a comprehensive fire strategy may be an unnecessary expense.

In these situations we recommend you ask your Building Control Officer or AHJ what fire safety measures are required.

Once you have this information, we can help you to negotiate or put forward a suitable proposal.

“It would seem that my taking ONLY your contact details to the building control officer, has been more than enough to satisfy him. He called us yesterday to say ‘Ronnie this is great, you’ve chosen the most reputable fire consultancy in the UK to do your fire report ‘…. that’s what we really need.”

discussing fire engineering strategy

Church Conversion

Our credentials in the luxury property market could not be more impressive than our involvement in the £10 million refit of St Saviours House.

Care Homes

Nationwide Fire Sprinklers has installed fire sprinkler systems into several Prime LifeUk Ltd. residential care homes situated across the whole of the  UK.

Home Renovation

“Most of the pipework was hidden away beneath floorboards, and the sprinklers fitted into holes in the ceiling – are hardly visible at all!”


Freephone: 0800 028 9911
Alternative Tel: 0115 998 7391
Fax: 0871 266 8911
E-mail: [email protected]

Telephone: 0800 028 9911
Fax: 0871 266 8911


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